Bold and Beautiful Yellow!

Let’s talk about yellow.

Not THIS “Yellow”, though it’s an awesome song.

Let’s talk about the color yellow. 

As you can see, yellow comes in so many shades. This handy document displays 24 shades of yellow (and their hex code equivalents, if you are interested in that sort of thing). 

As you can see, there are so many beautiful shades, ranging from brownish to greenish to the yellows that most of us know.

It is scary to some of us to wear this bold color. I, too was once scared of it, but then my mom got me a mustard yellow skirt from a fashion line called Cabi. It totally changed my mind about wearing yellow!

Soon enough, I was pairing that skirt with a favorite black shirt of mine, and I felt super confident! I loved the way the colors coordinated with each other. So I decided in my Pinterest-crazed state to build a yellow-themed fashion board and write some tips for wearing this awesome color. Without further ado, here are three wonderful ways to wear yellow:

I hope that helped inspire y’all to step out and wear some yellow!

Seasoned yellow-wearers, what is your favorite way to wear this fabulous color? 

Until next time, 
